I have an image file loading on gd virtual homepage that is not in media file

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    If you go to tools.pingdom/fpt and run a scan of my site there is an image file that the wpgeo virtual homepage i have it set as is trying to load. The image does not exist in my media files, cant figure out how to disable the call for the image.


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    they are in your Companies >> Place Categories

    Brick & Mortar, Herbal Vaporizers, Informational or Promotional and Online Sales have a default image that has been deleted from the media folder. Just reupload and save.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    i do not think this gets to the root of the issue.

    The image file was there before, and the same problem, where it was calling the image and not able to load it. Attempting to solve the error I attempted to just get rid of the image. I deleted it from the media library, but it did not clear up the issue. So putting the image back wont clear it up. Why is it even calling this image, i dont want it to call that image. Where would the image show on any page if it were successful in showing?

    I am more interested than the why this is happening. I will be removing the GD virtual homepage, and creating a new page for the homepage. So that will technically fix the problem, but I think it is still a good idea to find out why it is happening.

    Thank you


    Post count: 29970

    Bob, you have to go to Companies > Place categories and delete the call to the default images there.
    Your category setup is still looking for the image, but you deleted it from the media.
    There is nothing like a virtual GD homepage, only a GD virtual page that is used for all locations, and the homepage of your directory. Do NOT delete any virtual pages.
    If you want to create another homepage, just create a normal WP page and change your settings at GD > design > home and WP > Settings > Reading.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319



    Set to default no image, and the issue is resolved.

    Thank you


    Within the geodirectory settings, option to set GD as homepage, that is what i am calling GD virtual homepage. I am creating a new page to use as homepage since it is faster based on my initial tests, and by designing the page can do much more with it. Sorry for the confusion.


    Post count: 29970

    All good, I’ll set this to resolved.

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