I just want to share my site! (FINALLY!!)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tinamama 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I have been posting for help for MONTHS now and I thought some of you that have been helping me out might like to check out the final product. (Sort of…still fiddling with it. ALWAYS will be, I imagine…)

    Yesterday I finally purchased hosting with Spectrum and got it all LIVE finally in its actual REAL LOCATION!!


    I want to thank so many people here for helping me make this beautiful site possible! All the tech support that you gave me here, I couldn’t have gotten it all pulled together without you! And Spectrum hosting has been wonderful and helpful and so far seems pretty zippy (I haven’t had it long yet, but looks great so far!) AND, my most favorite thing is the Listimia GD theme by Addicted2Web that I found out about here on these forums and is SO GORGEOUS that I am just in awe of what my site has turned out to look like!!

    I still am fiddling with the formatting in some areas but in general, I am SUPER DUPER HAPPY with my newly revamped website!!

    This site was the first I ever created and has existed since my oldest was a newborn…Jan 2001! So a very long time! And has gone through very many evolutions but the GeoDirectory change has been the best so far and I’m VERY HAPPY!!

    Now I am going back to fiddling and playing with it some more…working on trying to get the events right…not happy with the way they are displaying yet…but just wanted to post and let people know to go check it out because it’s FINALLY UP!!!

    And I’d love to hear any feedback, constructive or otherwise!! I’m always open to ideas and tips!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Tina,

    the site looks fantastic!

    Congratulations and we are super happy that our plugins are powering it.

    Keep up the great work


    Post count: 29970

    We’re glad to hear that your newborn has come of age, it’s looking good 🙂


    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Thank you so much you guys!! I’m excited to see what you guys come up with next!!

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