Image from Media Library

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 114

    How do I use an image from my media library for a featured image on a listing. I reuse same images for different posts all the time and I don’t need multiple copies in my library of the same image. Thanks.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    GeoDirectory doesn’t use the media librabry for listings.

    The media library create 1 post (type:attachment) for each image uploaded via the media library.

    If you have 1000 listings each with 4 images, you will create 4k useless posts in your database making your website slower.

    It’s much much better to have duplicate images in your upload folder.

    Thank you,


    Expired Member
    Post count: 114

    FYI – Edit Listing and Upgrade Listing still don’t work on my site anywhere. I’ve asked for help with this in at least 3 other threads that are still open. Regardless, I do all my editing from the admin screen.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 114

    I need access to the media library for my listings. There are 1000s of images already in there I plan to use. Are you telling me I now how to find those images, download them, and reupload them as duplicates? And that’s the better solution? That’s crazy.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 114

    OMG – and so you’re also saying that if I want to use an Event image on a post or page I can’t do that either?

    This is crazy. Why on earth would you do it this way? Best practice is to redirect all attachment posts to the main URL anyway. That’s why Yoast offers it as an option. It’s what anyone with basic SEO knowledge does.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Best practice is to redirect all attachment posts to the main URL anyway. That’s why Yoast offers it as an option. It’s what anyone with basic SEO knowledge does.

    SEO has nothing to with this.

    For each image uploaded via the media library wordpress create 1 post in the wp_post database table (type:attachment) for each size you have in nedia settings.

    In the worst case scenario, it creates 1 post for the original img, 1 for the large, 1 for the medium, 1 for the small and 1 for the thumbnail size.

    If you have a directory with 1000 listings each with 4 images. In the wp_post table of your database you will have 20k posts that you shouldn’t have.

    20k useless posts stored on your datbase, just to be able to re-use images instead of re-uploading them isn’t a good idea, otherwise we would have done it in the 1st place.

    Thank you

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