Image missing in media library

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Hi Guys. Hope you can help.

    When I “Add Listing” or “Add Event” and I try to upload images (I go to “Drop files to upload” on the bottom) NOT all images show up in my media library. The first picture shows up in my media library, but the other pictures never show up in the media library. Where are the other images?

    Reading a post on this from 2014 or so, it stated something like you guys ONLY load the first picture into the media library and the other images are not loaded into the media library. You do this because otherwise it will slow down performance.

    I am using Shortpixel plugin to compress and optimize my images. Now, if only 1 picture loads in the media library out of lets say 3, that means 2 images will NOT be compressed and optimized as they are not loaded into the media libarry. So, the question is where are these other 2 pictures? Which folders do you keep them in? I can add that folder to shortpixel and it will compress and optimize pictures from that folder. So, I basically need to know which folders are images 2 and 3 being stored in? Pic 1 is in media library folder. Which folder is images 2 and 3 going into? If I can find this folder it can be compressed by shortpixel. Thanks.

    Any other solution to this problem? How are people compressing and optimizing their images if only the first one ends up in the media library for a listing. What if someone has 5 images for a listing. Image 1 goes into the media library and is optimized by Shortpixel plugin. Where do images 2 to 4 go and how can they be optimized by the plugin.

    Hope I explained this well. Pls help.
    Thanks again guys.


    Post count: 29970

    Images other than the featured image of a listing are added to your /wp-content/uploads folder.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Thanks for reply back.
    I looked in wp-content/uploads. This is actually the media library folder. Only the featured image is here
    But what about the other images? Is it loaded into another folder?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    GeoDirectory V1 requires WP Media settings to store uploaded media in folders by date. The media will be found in those folders.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Expired Member
    Post count: 18

    Paolo Thanks for the response.
    But the problem is my Shortpixel plugin is not picking up the folder these pics are in.
    I do not see the other pics in the media library folder, I only see the featured image.

    Will this set up be changing in version 2 because I can wait.

    I just dont know how to point to these pics as they are not in the media library, where they are automatically compressed and optimized. If i could find them, then I could just point to the folder and shortpixel would compress the images.
    I am speaking with shortpixel on this as well. I am not sure why I cant see the full content on the wp-content/uploads folder.

    Any other suggestions how can I reach the pics?
    Again, will this be changing with version 2.
    Thanks again guys. I know you guys are busy updating to version 2.
    I appreciate your help.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If you right click on the image you should see the folder location where it is stored.

    Have you tried that?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    They should be in the media folder per date.
    In v1 the images are auto optimized and shrunk by our own script.
    In v2 they are still added to the same place but they are run through the WP image functions to create all the different image sizes and then we output them as responsive images depending on the size of the browser window. Some image optimization plugins might auto pick these up during the WP functions but others might not, we plan to make the best 1-2 image optimization plugins compatible for v2.



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