I’m talking about a website for many countries. Some countries use more than one language. For example, it is Ukraine. It speaks Ukrainian and Russian. Or it is Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz, Russian), Finland (Finnish, Swedish)… Please note that the user may want to find an ad by location in a language other than the one the author was looking for when searching for an address on Google map when creating the ad. If they used different languages, the user will either not be able to find the ad or will find it, but will get the location “Near: GPS Location”, which is very bad.
I haven’t translated all the content of the site yet. When I do, we will create a question with a precise description of the problem. Therefore, I wanted to look at ready-made sites with such functionality, as I am interested.
* Which search pattern did you ask about?
I also saw that the ads have no regions and cities, if I am in the Ukrainian and Russian administrative part of the site. The English version has them. This can be corrected? Should I create a new question for this?