
This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    In the CPT setting > html variable do we add the text “geodir_” prior to import? For example for fax… “geodir_fax” (in the html varialbe field)?


    Post count: 29970

    Yes, but the best idea is to export a CSV file and use columns and their order as the basis for your import file, then you cannot go wrong.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    So may be a better idea was to create the Contractor “setting” fields, put in a dummy contractor listing and then export the data “instead” of exporting a Place setting and trying to us it in adding columns.

    Also, my point was the actual text “html variable” text. The preset “mandatory” just have as and example for the phone number “contact” not “geodir_contact” so the point was do I set up in the Contractor Settings just “fax” or do I use “geodir_fax” in the html variable field.

    I guess I will find out soon enough. I used the html variable of geodir_fax and used the column import header of geodir_fax as an example.

    So far I have not gotten an error message and no indication that the file is importing except that every few seconds I see a “spinning” image flash. It’s a large file so we shall see.

    Thank you for your response. Sorry to be so cautious…
    Kind regards and thank you for your assistance.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    The process, I think, has been running for over five hours. I really have no idea if it “is” working since the only thing I see is the occasional blue spinning object. I went thru the cpanel on another work station to see if I could see some table populating but I do not know where to look. I guess I will check it in the morning.


    Post count: 29970

    You only add the field name, without the prefix.
    If you did add geodir_fax in the HTML variable field then the database column will be called geodir_geodir_fax, and that will be the reason why your upload is not working.

    Simplest is indeed to create one listing you are happy with, export the CSV file, and then upload a few listings to test before going for the full assault. Best is to do with batches.

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