Hmm… all went well with upload of the dev version. (Did rename the directory to “geodirectory” from “geodirectory-master”). Cleared all the version numbers as described.
Then could not find the new Import/Export menu at all, and when I went looking for it, discovered that while I got error messages about my CSV import of just a list of categories (and the post-type) failing, the categories DID IMPORT! 🙂
My first attempt at import said the import failed because of not having a post-type. That made sense, so I added the gd_place type to my CSV for each category. This second attempt said it failed because there was no post title. I’m not sure whether the categories actually imported the first time, or the second time.
I’m set for now–my issue with importing is solved.
Do let me know if I can help test anything.
Glad to look for that import option– where should I be seeing that new menu?