Import and export broken – Overwrites Expire Date. And SLOW processing

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    Free User
    Post count: 5

    We needed to move companies from a live site to a staging site. Unfortunately it has some major issues.

    Using the plugin’s Import/Export->Export CSV.
    Then Import/Export->Import CSV w/ “Update listing if post with post_id already exists.”

    Problem 1: All Expire Dates are overwritten and set to the current date! Not good..

    Problem 2: Processing takes a weirdly long amount of time. Definitely something wrong with the script, as it takes about an hour to process 800 entries. I had to split up the CSV into separate CSVs in order to actually run the imports.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    If you are moving listings from a staging to a live website, you shold be entering new listings, why are you updating?

    Depending on the server used, the import process can take some time. Stiofan just worked on it this week and was able to improve by 8X.

    This will be in the next version, however you should be able to import listings with the correct expiration date.

    If you provide the CSV file used, a link and credentials of the website were they should be imported, and we will check for you.



    Free User
    Post count: 5

    We are trying to keep all the listings on the live site by exporting the content. One site is actually a duplicate where some changes were made (staging/production). Nevermind the details of that. An import/export should work, no?

    The categories import/export has problems too. Some of the categories in secondary tiers do not maintain their parent after import.

    The CSV was exported from your system. Sorry we cannot provide credentials.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206
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