Import Issues

This topic contains 36 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anitra Larsen 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    I’m trying to create a couple new CPTs for my GeoDirectory. I’d like to export some listings from the “places” category and into these new CPTs. So for example, I need to export listings from my “Dining” category and then import them into my new CPT for “Restaurants.”

    I’ve been following the instructions in your documentation, I’ve created a sample listing in that CPT and downloaded/exported the CSV file from my new CPT for restaurants. Then I used the SAME file (adding some listing info) for 3 test listings. But after import, most of my fields are missing (address, longitude, latitude, phone, website, facebook, etc.)

    I’ve tried a dozen different things and I still get this error. Can you please help figure out what’s going wrong?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please zip the file into a .zip archive before posting.

    Did you use Open or Libre office to edit the file?


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52
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    Anitra Larsen
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    Post count: 52
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    If you are wanting to import ‘new’ listings, as in, transfer listings from one CPT to another, then the ID column should be blank.


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    Oh THANK YOU! I assumed what I needed to do was change the post type on the existing IDs, not create new listings. Now I understand and it works!


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    So, one final issue (fingers crossed) – it didn’t import the images correctly. It put an image in the “featured image” location in the admin, but it doesn’t show on the front end of the site at all. And when I had multiple images, it seemed to only grab the one…

    I copied the “post_images” column exactly from my places table into my restaurants CPT table.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I would try re-importing.

    Try removing the full url from the image in post_images column. Instead of the full URL just leave the filename like filename.jpeg

    Don’t remove any of the other values around the image, just the URL.


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    I tried that… just removing the part of the URL and leaving the file name, but that had the same results. Featured image shows only in admin. No additional images are added.


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    Any other ideas on this? I can’t ask the client to re-upload all of their images…


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    If you are importing listings then the images will need to be in the expected folder location, yes. If you uploaded them today the folder is 2019/11


    Anitra Larsen
    Full Member
    Post count: 52

    Ok. Well they obviously are not all in the same folder… These are listings that have been imported gradually over a 3 year period. And for 500+ listings, it’s not good time management to re-upload all the images AND edit them all in the spreadsheet either when an export/import process exists.

    So I think I will need to figure out how to use the full URL on these imported listings. How is that accomplished? How do I get the import function to read the full address of the image? If this option doesn’t work (and in my attempts it has not), it seems there’s some work to be done on the import process. Can you bring in a developer to help with this?


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    Anitra Larsen
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    Post count: 52
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