Improper breadcrumb displayed in near search criteria previously set

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Here’s a use case that demonstrates the problem:

    Go to Google and search:
    “skating rinks in pennsylvania altoona archive” (without the quotes) and click on the RinkTime link.

    At this point, the user is locked into rinks only in Altoona.

    Now go back to Google and search “rinktime anaheim ice” (without the quotes).

    Notice the breadcrumb.

    Home > Rinks > United States > Pennsylvania > Altoona > Roller Skating RInk > Holiday Skate Center

    Here is the URL:

    Also notice the “nearby rinks” tab on the Anaheim Ice listing – it shows the 1 rink in Altoona PA which is thousands of miles away.

    1) Why not parse the breadcrumb from the URL?

    But that’s not the only problem. There is a much bigger problem. All future visits is locked into searches in Altoona, PA.

    Browse listings and you can’t see anything but the listings in Altoona PA.

    SOLUTION I don’t know?: Clear the (near/in) variable when the referrer is empty or something other than the root domain name allowing a fresh start.

    PS. This is also related to the Near search field being locked down, but being set by entering the site via Google search result and not doing a specific search. This is a real problem because now the site is useless and people can not search for other listings outside of the designated city.


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