Initial Set Up Question

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #47843

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    I am going to set up a directory of retailers selling a certain product. Some retailers are online only and some are brick and mortar locations. We want the brick and mortar to come up as a default in the store locator. Should we separate the physical locations from the online only retailers as a custom post type or somehow make the ‘location’ invisible for the online retailers?

    Also, the users will be searching the directory primarily by brand to find retailers. We will use filters for this. However, within the brands there are many, many (thousands) of always changing limited edition prints and styles. It does not seem that permanent filters are a good way of filtering the prints to make them searchable. Could we use tags for this? We would like users to be able to search for a print somehow and find retailers that are carrying it.

    Thanks in advance for your advice. Love the plugin!


    Post count: 29970

    If you want to use some listings without a physical address, you need to create a separate custom post type, and then remove the requirement for addresses at
    GD > General > General tab > Select CPT to disable physical location

    A visitor will have to make a choice whether they want to search “online” or “bricks and mortar” listings by selecting from the first field in the GD search.
    Example: drop down for “places”, “people” and “events” at

    I guess you will be using custom fields so users can add “brands” etc.
    You can then add these custom fields to an advanced search.
    Example: Look for “customize my search” at
    See also:
    Tags will be searched in any GD search, so if you want to use tags, that is possible too. It just does not allow the visitors to filter down as much, and then you need to find a way of ensuring correct tags are used by users or yourself.

    Enjoy loving our plugin 🙂

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