GeoDirectory has some good code in it to allow you to add your API key once and only once to the GD Settings, and then other plugins and themes that are coded the ‘WP Way’ will be able to access the key.
If the key is added to another plugin and theme, that can result in the error:
You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.
Try removing the key from your theme and see if that fixes it.
If it doesn’t please share WP Admin and FTP credentials and we will look further into the issue.
WordPress Credentials
WP Admin Login URL:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:
FTP Credentials
FTP Host:
FTP Port:
FTP User:
FTP Password:
Of note, GD can actually use 2 Google API keys, and one of them, the second ‘geocoding’ key in the advanced settings, should have no restrictions for referrers or it will not work.