We are actually running Progressive Lawyer a bit differently. The site uses the Avada theme and we are testing the WPJobBoard plugin which integrates well. The job board portion of the site will be launching in January. In March we will be launching the directory portion of the site using Geodirectory. We have decided against using Buddypress at this time. What is taking time is integrating these plugins so that the users have only one account that allows them to post jobs, upload a directory listing, etc but we will work through those issues in time. WPJobBoard has excellent support, much like GD.
The Pleasure Primer project will on the other hand be based primarily on GD with Buddypress but no job board. For that site we are looking for a developer/designer with a very specific outlook since we don’t want the site looking like a typical directory. But that project has been put on the back burner until the new year.
Hope this helps!