I try to take in hand GD Directory but it is complicated for me, however I used to do site and ecommerce … I first asked in pre-sale if my project was feasible and they said “yes!” So I bought everything …
I remind my project: I have parking spaces that I rent to the end customer. I do not have owners who add properties to my directory.
So the customer comes to my site and finds a parking space that interests him. What I would like to do is integrate a button that adds your purchase (1 month subscription) to the cart.
I explained that I was looking for a solution that allows me to rent my parking spaces to customers who subscribe for 6 months for example and only pay the 1st month and then receive an email reminding them to pay the 2nd month etc. . I bought the Listimia theme.
For the moment I am not interested in design, what interests me is to understand how to add a price to my parking space and to add a “buy” button
Can you orient me, I’m stuck
thank you in advance