Hi support team,
I am wondering if this is a bug or may wrong settings made while recurring listing creation.
Steps done:
1. I used the test price type ID 158 to add event URL
2. Added a new recurring event listing “test wci affiliate recurring 13.12.2016”
3. Paid via Paypal sandbox where the subscription has been made “Paypal payments screen shot“.
4. First Invoice has been crated “WCI-INV-369”
My problem is: It seems to me that this listing is not recurring on daily basis. (Maybe because I did not used the recurring date option while listing creation)
See the Backend URL & screen shot.
How shall a recurring listing be created?
I thought by using the corresponding price type (Because when using other CPT, then no recurring option on listings is there to choose out), then the recurring subscription will be done automatically to issue recurring invoices according its subscriptions exist as long as its subscription has been cancelled.
I got this email message as “Place listing expiration notification” I thought that the renew will be made automatically on recurring price type not forced to renew manually the listing. Screen Shot > http://screencast.com/t/9MDO2Ipb
Does this message may has to do with setting that send this message 10 days before expire?
Looking forward to your explanation or may needed adjustments, because I need to make sure that each time (price setting is recurring for our testing on daily basis) when subsription renew a corresponding invoice need to be issued.
BR, Alex