JQuery Tab in page + geodirectory

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    Galih Kusumah
    Free User
    Post count: 28

    Hi all,

    Need your help or suggestion..
    I want to create website which has similar appearance with yelp.com. They have homepage with jquery tab for every category for specific city. Each tab will shows listing based on each category. Is it possible for me to create similar page without customizing the plugin? E.g just copy some code to the page.

    I use ‘avada’ theme, with some additional plugin such as ‘use role editor’ and ‘backWPup’. Because of the theme, it is easy for me to create the tab. Now the only problem is how to put the category result of specific city under each tab.
    Thanks in advance



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    You can definitely do this but u have to write custom code in your theme for it.



    Galih Kusumah
    Free User
    Post count: 28

    hi Vikas,

    Thanks for ur fast reply.
    Just wondering, is it difficult to customized like that? is that mean i need to change the theme core or we only need to write some code in the page itself?



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    U can create a widget too if u want and place that in GD home page content middle sidebar.



    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Hey There!

    I’m working on the same thing. I made a widget with a static list of the categories, so far. But I like to make it dinamic to work as the navigation on yelp.

    Anyone can tell me, how to insert the category titles and review counts dinamically?

    I have tried using wp_nav_menu function, and it worked, but I can’t customize the list items enought. Is there a way to customize a wp_nav_menu’s list items to display the review-counts for every single category title?

    Any help would be appreciated!

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