Landing Page or Customized Homepage

This topic contains 33 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #433313

    Post count: 29970

    Look for the widget areas named the same as in the instructions.
    Add widgets to those widget areas, and they will show on your homepage.

    If we need to look at your settings, please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    You have not selected a homepage yet:

    Create a new WP page.
    Select that page at Settings > Reading > Front page displays > Front Page:
    Then go to Appearance > Customize > Home Background and upload the background image for the homepage:

    I can see all the widget areas, see image. You have not added any widgets to the homepage widgets yet.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Thank you Guust!

    It asked for an image size 1600×870 and I gave it that. Now it seems to be duplicating the image on the homepage. This doesn’t look good. How is this to be corrected?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    I see how the image works now. So this is just the landing page, right? If we add content it will expand the floating menu?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Guess I’m trying to figure out how to get the “© 2018 Shop Hawaii • Geo Travel Theme by GeoDirectory” down at the bottom of the landing page?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Guust, one other question…

    On the homepage, I’ve added the Search bar and a dropdown category selector. However, when I click on the category dropdown selector, I see nothing, no categories etc. Do the categories only show up once a listing is added?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
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    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    There is no need to add latitude and longitudes for listings when adding them from the backend or frontend. If you add them they have to be in decimal format.

    Every listing needs to be in at least one category.

    I added some quick stuff to the main home page widget areas.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    Gifts is a GD category, not a WP category.
    You do not have any WP posts, so no categories will show.

    GD Category icons should be about 50 x 50 pixels, not 640 × 426 pixels.



    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Why is WP category dropdown showing up on homepage instead of GD?

    Where do I change the icons settings?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    I see how the category icons work now…i’m using map pins from one of my other website themes.

    Still need to know how to update category dropdown on homepage so the correct category dropdown is showing…?

    Thank you!


    Post count: 29970

    Why is WP category dropdown showing up on homepage instead of GD?
    Because you added the (WP) Categories widget, that is not a GD widget.

    GD has no dropdowns for GD categories.

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