I purchased GD Framework and addons including Stripe, Multi Ratings and Reviews, Advanced Search, Custom Post Types, Pricing Manger, Events Manager, Location Manager, Ajax Duplicates plus GT Vouchers, Business Hours and a couple others on ThemeTailors back in 2015 but TT is now defunct and I have to pay an annual subscription for $199 for GeoDirectory Framework and all addons. I have no problem paying an annual subscription to support ongoing development but $199 really hurts my pocketbook because the addons were a lifetime offer. I see some of these addons in my Downloads account I still have to buy the GeoDirectory subscription. I wanted to build another site since the current one has been inactive for years and I lost interest in it.
1. Do you have any coupon codes for people like me who supported you years ago when you were building GD and purchased addons that are now part of the yearly GeoDirectory subscription?
2. Are the addons in my current Downloads updated to the latest versions?
Awaiting a reply