Limit field options in directory listing

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paul 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #397984

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    How can I limit the amount of options a user can add to a certain field in a listing? We have a field called “Specialties” and people keep choosing way too many to be useful. Is there a setting to do this or any other way?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi PB,

    That isn’t possible out of the box but I’ll forward this to a developer for a second opinion.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    Thanks, Kor. It would be greatly appreciated. My two cents is that it would be good to have this option because if people chose every option in every field to cast a wide net of searches, then the directory search would become meaningless.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    We don’t have an option to do this (except for categories) but you could easily add a JS limiter to the field to do what you want.



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    Ok, thanks. I’ll check with a developer.

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