Limitations of custom fields in advanced search

This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 7 years, 1 month ago.

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    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kiran,

    I could call 2-3 custom fields from ‘custom fields’ tab to ‘advanced search’ tab and then the error occured again.

    I had a look to do it myself and clicked on database “wp_mggeodir_custom_field” and I can see the column datatype. However, most of them (ie. all the checkboxes which are the majority of custom fields) are actually not VARCHAR but TINYINT. Should I change these to TEXT as well to solve the problem?

    I dont want to play around as I dont know really know what I’m doing here, so haven’t tested anything.


    I also noticed just now that all custom fields have disappeared from the search page! Not sure what triggered that? I cant recall to have changed anything apart from renaming the remaining VARCHAR to TEXT


    Post count: 7069

    Hi David,

    Please check now.

    You have blank front end title for some fields, fix this to show title of the field.
    To change the data type from varchar to tinyint in detail table for checkbox just re-save custom field.



    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kiran

    I dont know how you did it, but the error is gone now! I was able to add all custom fields to the advanced search now! THANK YOU!! Really helpful and appreciated!

    With regards to the custom fields not showing on the search page, I noticed that somehow the attribute of where they should be displayed (listing page) was gone. It may have been caused by the upload from localhost to webhost or by the amendments in the database. In any case, I just readded the display to be listing page on all 47custom fields and it’s all back now on the search page.



    Post count: 7069

    Thanks for letting us know 🙂

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