Limiting Listings Per Category

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jimmy Ryan 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    I would like to offer local business owners the ability to advertise without fear of ending up in a 8 page scroll competing against 46 other roofers.

    My goal is to offer a limit of three (3) business listings (PLACES) per category, per city. When the limit of 3 listings (PLACES) per category in any given city is reached that category/city is no longer available for selection in the add listing task grayed out on the Category list based upon a city name until such time less than 3 listings are active in that category in that city.

    I am using GEO DIRECTORY for an entire county. There are ten cities and there will be hundreds of categories. The sale of listings (PLACES) to local business owners based upon a limit of 3 per category per city means a statistical probability of increased leads, and a waiting list means the price per category increases when a city contains the limit of 3 businesses.

    This approach makes the first three business owners very competitive, all three display above the scroll line so no need for featuring any of the three, and a waiting list filled with anxious competitors on a list in case a spot opens up in the city means the price per listing increases as compared to businesses cancelling next year after they realize they were not lucky and ended up on a long page 8 list no one visits in a lengthy group of 46 Roofers like the phone book does is useless position in a countywide community directory.

    Buy early, pay on time, never quit secures the first three businesses and once the categories in each city begin to fill up there is room to enlarge and offer five (5) listings as a marketing strategy. The last thing I want is 38 real estate agents publishing an add when the consumers will most likely never scroll deep enough beyond first page of real estate listings.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That’s not possible, the system will accept as many listings as users wants to submit.

    The only way to do that is to close add listings to public and manage the submission directly.



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202


    Is there a customization work-around. I would be willing to pay for a customization if the price is not to stiff. A simple pop-up which warns when three active listings exist in a given category and notice the management reserve the right to reassign to another similar category or words to that affect. Something simple to detect three active listings will suffice with a resulting warning of potential reassignment will work great.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    it could be possible, however we don’t provide customization services.

    We suggest to look for a freelancer developer on either or



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    A few moments ago I noticed an update for the Starter Theme Version. I rely upon the Starter, Supreme, and Avada. What issues will I run across if I update Starter — because you just got rid of the right sidebar on the home page so what code changes did you make and what file should be preserved to prevent a do-over of your changes?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jimmy,

    Since you’re already using the child theme (Supreme Directory), updating the Directory starter theme will not effect your Website.



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    Thank you KOR!!!

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