Ok, so I don’t really see “Link Posts: Event” but I see where it discusses linking CPT’s. I guess i’m seeing Link Posts: Event because that’s a default CPT and displaying in the “predefined fields”. I’m assuming that if I create more CPT’s they will also appear in the Predefined fields?
I remember now actually going to the document you referred to earlier today before I posted this, not sure it was for this though. It doesn’t mention the predefined fields or the words “Link Posts” so I must have looked right past it. This idea of Linking Posts, I guess initially I was thinking it would be found somewhere else, not under CPT. But, now it makes sense. It’s new, maybe the word “New” would help older users like me zone in on things like this because I’m not sure much else is different about CPT’s… 🙂 And, I may have overlooked this too, but if I’m correct, it would be great if the documentation explained that new CPT’s will be added to the predefined fields.
This reminds me of when verbiage changes between things how confusing it can get. Either the documentation ideally would say “Link Posts:” or the predefined field would say “Linked CPT”. Kind of like plugins ideally would be named the same way as they appear in the download area of the site (something I’m reminded of every time I have to deal with the plugins). Sometimes the little things that help a lot 🙂
This Linked Posts seems like a super awesome feature!!! I look forward to the possibilities with it. I can see using this in some powerful ways! Thanks for your patience!