linking events to businesses

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313


    When I create an event and want to connect it to a business, all of the details of the event are overwritten by the details from the business listing.

    How can events be connected to a business without having the details overwritten. Also the photo has issues too.

    Can you help?

    Thank you!!


    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313

    Maybe the only fix for this is to link the business first and then overwrite it with the event description?


    Post count: 29970

    If you only want to link but not prefil, do NOT click “Fill in Business Details”.
    Searching the place is all that is required for linking, but if you want to prefil address etc, then you can click “Fill in Business Details”.



    Kathy Geisler
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 313

    Right. I think what was confusing is that the first time I put in the business, and the engine recognized the business, it didn’t show in the field. So when I had to repeat the action of finding the business name, I thought maybe I needed to also click on the fill link.

    I wonder if this issue is similar to the one I have with the check boxes for the categories not responding the first time, so that I have to click a second time on the check box to make it work?


    Post count: 29970

    I wonder if this issue is similar to the one I have with the check boxes for the categories not responding the first time, so that I have to click a second time on the check box to make it work?
    I doubt it. I think what you are referring to there is that you are using the ajax chained categories field, and selecting one category then needs to load the next part, and maybe your server is a bit slow.
    Not easy to comment without seeing it at work …

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