Linking Listings Between CPTs

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  • #277367

    Full Member
    Post count: 180

    Hi fellas,

    I’m in the planning stage of a huge 2.0 rollout of my site, and I plan to dramatically expand the data that I’m providing. Several of these new datasets will be new CPTs, but many of them will be directly associated with existing listings (basically a parent/child relationship).

    I would like to have a way to create a relationship between the “child” CPT (for example, “College”) and the “parent” CPT, “Church”. The “College” listing would have a field for Church, and that field would either (best-case scenario) be a multi-select type field populated with the “Church” CPTs, or (secondary option) two fields for “Church Name” and “URL” that would show on the front end as a link with the Church name (like Facebook, Twitter, and Website do now).

    Is there a straightforward way to implement this?



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