Having trouble with 404 Page Not Found Errors?
Unfortunately this is a common issue, and not directly related to GD. It’s related to any plugin that creates WordPress posts and assigns “pretty URLs”.
Whether it was a network timeout or the database server ran out of resources, in one way or another, the job of updating your post URLs didn’t finish. Here’s a couple steps you can take to try to restore them yourself:
1. Install the Easy Updater plugin – https://wpgeodirectory.com/wp-easy-updates/
2. Update all of your GeoDirectory Add Ons and the Core plugin to the latest version – Be sure to do this one at a time to ensure the greatest chance of success.
3. Visit WordPress -> Settings -> Permalinks and resave your permalinks.
In 80% of the cases, this will solve 404 and Page not Found errors related to permalinks.
Still 404? De-activate and re-activate the GD plugins, one at a time, and then visit Settings -> Permalinks one more time and re-save.
Still 404? Let us take a look. Write back with a private reply. In your reply be sure to include your site’s URL, and admin credentials. If you haven’t already, please create a new user named “gd support” with adminstrator privelages and a temporary password. Share the login information in your reply and we will see what is happening there in your site.
Let us know what happens