Listing Manager

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  evocativemedia 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #509348

    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    I couldn’t find a forum for the Listing Manager Addon, that’s why I have put it here..

    I would really like to use this addon in combination with buddypress but I have 2 questions:

    1. User list URL

    I discovered that when a user creates a list, the url of the list is not user specific.


    On website ‘’ ‘userX’ creates a list ‘restaurants’. The url of this list is ‘’. However if ‘userY’ also creates a list named ‘restaurants’ the slug of this list is automatically generated to something like ‘’.

    Wouldn’t it be better to make the list url user based like favorites lists? So the url for the ‘restaurant’ list of ‘userX’ would become ‘’.

    2. User list featured image

    I see that from the wordpress dashboard you can set a custom featured image for each list. However, my users have no access to the wordpress dashboard, is there some setting somewhere that users can add a featured image for a list on the front-end?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    1. List urls are intentionally obfuscated, this allows a user to create a list in private but still share it with friends via a direct link. If we gave them pretty links it could easily be guessed.

    You as an admin can create your own admin lists with pretty links if required.

    2. An admin can add a specific image if they want, we plan to either make it use the first image of the first listing or to maybe let a user upload an image in the future.




    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    1. Ah that makes sense, that’s the way it is then!

    2. Alright, then I’ll just think of something until an update comes by.

    Thanks for your explanation Stiofan!

    Kind regards

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