Listing Preview Page Layout Breaks
This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Paolo 9 years, 6 months ago.
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Open Support TicketTagged: listing preview page
November 5, 2014 at 1:29 pm #20656
Details Info:
Themes, Plugin, Extension are Current Version
Theme: GDF Child ThemeHi,
Please help the listing preview page doesn’t look or inherit layout from detail page. Layouts are overlapping one another(attached screenshots).
Your help resolving this issue is very much appreciates ;-).
JSonNovember 5, 2014 at 1:31 pm #20662Here is my URL: try to add listing and preview listing looking very bad 🙁
Doesn’t suppose to inherit from detail page so customer can preview actual listing?
Your help is much appreciates
Thanks in advance
jsonNovember 5, 2014 at 1:47 pm #20671there is a listing-preview.php template, you should look there.
November 5, 2014 at 8:06 pm #20733yes, it appears that customization made on the detail page didn’t take the preview page into consideration and broke it.
Let us know,
November 6, 2014 at 8:09 am #20776Hi guys, thanks for your quick response.
@stiofan OConnor thanks for the hint :). I’ve looked into listing-preview.php file and have copied it to GDF child/geodirectory/listing-preview.php as described in this doc -> so I can preserve the original file and if anything goes wrong I have backup file.
@paolo I’m a PHP newbie 😉 just started to learn PHP only few months ago.
Would you be kind to give me hints or guidance on how to go about fixing the preview page? Any specific lines of code I should look for or edit in listing-preview.php file? Is there a better options or ways to edit the details page without effecting preview page?
Kind Regards,
JSon 🙂November 6, 2014 at 5:21 pm #20836Hi JSon,
Preview page and detail page use 2 different templates.
While the detail page is getting the data from the database, the preview page can’t get them from the database, because they are not saved in the database yet, so they are collected from a session.
You have to modify listing-preview.php to match the mods made to listing-detail.php.
November 11, 2014 at 6:43 am #21132Hi Paolo,
Actually I didn’t mod any code in listing-details.php, I just CSS it via GDF Child Theme Custom CSS Option to make it look nicer. And I ended up with layout problem in listing preview page. 🙁
In listing-preview.php file I’ve found:
<div class="clearfix geodir-common"> <div id="geodir_content">
I tried to insert new class so I can target that class to fix layout issue for preview page.
<div class="clearfix geodir-common"> <div id="geodir_content" class="my-preview-page">
After updated file I didn’t see it on element inspector.
Please advice.
<?php header("X-XSS-Protection: 0"); get_header(); do_action('geodir_before_main_content','listing-preview-page'); foreach($_REQUEST as $pkey=>$pval){ if($pkey=='geodir_video'){$tags= '<iframe>';} elseif($pkey=='post_desc'){$tags= '<p><a><b><i><em><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><ul><ol><li><img><div><del><ins><span><cite><code><strike><strong><blockquote>';} elseif($pkey=='geodir_special_offers'){$tags= '<p><a><b><i><em><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><ul><ol><li><img><div><del><ins><span><cite><code><strike><strong><blockquote>';} elseif(is_array($_REQUEST[$pkey])){$tags='skip_field';} else{$tags='';} $tags = apply_filters('geodir_save_post_key', $tags,$pkey); if($tags!='skip_field'){ $_REQUEST[$pkey] = strip_tags($_REQUEST[$pkey], $tags); } } $post = (object)$_REQUEST; if(isset($post->video)) $post->video = stripslashes($post->video); if(isset($post->Video2)) $post->Video2 = stripslashes($post->Video2); $post_type = $post->listing_type; $post_type_info = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $listing_label = $post_type_info->labels->singular_name; $term_icon = ''; if(!empty($post->post_category)){ foreach($post->post_category as $post_taxonomy => $post_term){ if($post_term != '' && !is_array($post_term)) $post_term = explode(',', trim($post_term,',')); $post_term = array_unique($post_term); if(!empty($post_term)){ foreach($post_term as $cat_id){ $cat_id = trim($cat_id); if($cat_id != ''){ /*if($term_icon_url = get_tax_meta($cat_id,'ct_cat_icon')) $term_icon = $term_icon_url['src'];*/ $term_icon = get_option('geodir_default_marker_icon'); if(isset($post->post_default_category) && $post->post_default_category == $cat_id) { if($term_icon_url = get_tax_meta($cat_id, 'ct_cat_icon', false, $post_type)){ if(isset($term_icon_url['src']) && $term_icon_url['src'] != '') $term_icon = $term_icon_url['src']; break; } } } } } } } $post_latitude = isset($post->post_latitude) ? $post->post_latitude : ''; $post_longitude = isset($post->post_longitude) ? $post->post_longitude : ''; $srcharr = array("'","/","-",'"','\'); $replarr = array("′","⁄","–","“",''); $json_title = str_replace($srcharr,$replarr,$post->post_title); $json ='{'; $json .= '"post_preview": "1",'; $json .= '"t": "'.$json_title.'",'; $json .= '"lt": "'.$post_latitude.'",'; $json .= '"ln": "'.$post_longitude.'",'; $json .= '"i":"'.$term_icon.'"'; $json .= '}'; $post->marker_json = $json; $_SESSION['listing'] = serialize($_REQUEST); ?> <div id="geodir_wrapper"> <?php geodir_get_template_part('preview','buttons'); ?> <?php geodir_breadcrumb();?> <div class="clearfix geodir-common"> <div id="geodir_content" class="my-preview-page"> <?php do_action('geodir_before_post_preview', $post); ?> <h1><?php echo (stripslashes($post->post_title)); ?></h1> <!-- Post Images slider start --> <?php if(isset($post->post_images)) $post->post_images = trim($post->post_images,","); if(isset($post->post_images) && !empty($post->post_images)) $post_images = explode(",",$post->post_images); $main_slides = ''; $nav_slides = ''; if(empty($post_images)){ $default_img = ''; $default_cat = ''; if(isset($post->post_default_category)) $default_cat = $post->post_default_category; if($default_catimg = geodir_get_default_catimage($default_cat,$post_type)) $default_img = $default_catimg['src']; elseif($no_images = get_option('geodir_listing_no_img')){ $default_img = $no_images; } if(!empty($default_img)){ $post_images[] = $default_img; } } $slides = 0; if(!empty($post_images)){ foreach($post_images as $image){ if(!empty($image)){ @list($width, $height) = getimagesize(trim($image)); if ( $image && $width && $height ) $image = (object)array( 'src' => $image, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ); if(isset($image->src)){ if($image->height >= 400){ $spacer_height = 0; }else{ $spacer_height = ((400-$image->height)/2); } $image_title = isset($image->title) ? $image->title : ''; $main_slides .= '<li><img src="'.geodir_plugin_url()."/geodirectory-assets/images/spacer.gif".'" alt="'.$image_title.'" title="'.$image_title.'" style="max-height:'.$spacer_height.'px;margin:0 auto;" />'; $main_slides .= '<img src="'.$image->src.'" alt="'.$image_title.'" title="'.$image_title.'" style="max-height:400px;margin:0 auto;" /></li>'; $nav_slides .= '<li><img src="'.$image->src.'" alt="'.$image_title.'" title="'.$image_title.'" style="max-height:48px;margin:0 auto;" /></li>'; $slides++; } } }// endfore } //end if if(!empty($post_images)){ ?> <div class="geodir_flex-container" > <div class="geodir_flex-loader"></div> <div id="geodir_slider" class="geodir_flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <?php echo $main_slides;?> </ul> </div> <?php if( $slides > 1){ ?> <div id="geodir_carousel" class="geodir_flexslider"> <ul class="slides"> <?php echo $nav_slides;?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- Post Images slider end --> <?php } ?> <!-- Post terms start --> <p class="geodir_post_taxomomies clearfix"> <?php $taxonomies = array(); if(!empty($post->post_tags)){ if(taxonomy_exists($post_type.'_tags')): $links = array(); $terms = array(); foreach($post_tags as $post_term){ $post_term = trim($post_term); if($insert_term = term_exists( $post_term, $post_type.'_tags' )){ $term = get_term_by( 'name', $post_term, $post_type.'_tags'); }else{ $insert_term = wp_insert_term($post_term, $post_type.'_tags'); $term = get_term_by( 'name', $post_term, $post_type.'_tags'); } if(! is_wp_error( $term )) { //$links[] = "<a href='" . esc_attr( get_tag_link($term->term_id) ) . "'>$term->name</a>"; // fix tag link on detail page $links[] = "<a href='" . esc_attr( get_term_link($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy) ) . "'>$term->name</a>"; $terms[] = $term; } } $taxonomies[$post_type.'_tags'] = wp_sprintf('%s: %l.', ucwords($listing_label.' Tags'), $links, (object)$terms); endif; } if(!empty($post->post_category)){ $links = array(); $terms = array(); foreach($post->post_category as $post_taxonomy => $post_term){ if($post_term != '' && !is_array($post_term)) $post_term = explode(',', trim($post_term,',')); $post_term = array_unique($post_term); if(!empty($post_term)){ foreach($post_term as $post_term){ $post_term = trim($post_term); if($post_term != ''): $term = get_term_by( 'id', $post_term, $post_taxonomy); $links[] = "<a href='".esc_attr( get_term_link($term,$post_taxonomy) ) . "'>$term->name</a>"; $terms[] = $term; endif; } } break; } $taxonomies[$post_taxonomy] = wp_sprintf('%s: %l.', ucwords($listing_label.' Category'), $links, (object)$terms); } echo '<span class="geodir-category">' . $taxonomies[$post_taxonomy] . '</span>'; if ( isset( $taxonomies[$post_type.'_tags'] ) ) { echo '<span class="geodir-tags">' . $taxonomies[$post_type.'_tags'] . '</span>'; } ?> </p> <!-- Post terms end --> <?php if( (int)get_option( 'geodir_disable_gb_modal' ) != 1 ) { ?> <!-- Post info tabs start --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function() { jQuery('#post-gallery a').lightBox({ overlayOpacity : 0.5, imageLoading : '<?php echo geodir_plugin_url().'/geodirectory-assets/images/lightbox-ico-loading.gif';?>', imageBtnNext : '<?php echo geodir_plugin_url().'/geodirectory-assets/images/lightbox-btn-next.gif';?>', imageBtnPrev : '<?php echo geodir_plugin_url().'/geodirectory-assets/images/lightbox-btn-prev.gif';?>', imageBtnClose : '<?php echo geodir_plugin_url().'/geodirectory-assets/images/lightbox-btn-close.gif';?>', imageBlank : '<?php echo geodir_plugin_url().'/geodirectory-assets/images/lightbox-blank.gif';?>' }); }); </script> <?php } ?> <!-- Post info tabs start --> <?php geodir_show_detail_page_tabs(); ?> <?php do_action('geodir_after_post_preview', $post);?> </div> <?php do_action('geodir_after_main_content'); geodir_get_template_part('detail','sidebar'); ?> </div> </div> <?php get_footer();
November 11, 2014 at 5:41 pm #21182Hi Json,
You can’t have modified this only with css:
Elements that are notmally in the sidebar now are in the content area.
We can’t debug your customizations though, it goes beyond the scope of the support forum.
If you want I can move this in the Jobs section of the forum where developers may be interested in helping you correctly customizing your website.
Let us know,
July 31, 2015 at 7:34 am #47623This reply has been marked as private.July 31, 2015 at 7:12 pm #47695Hi tester,
please see this forum post:
It should get you started.
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