Listings with location outside of our region

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 9 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Hi, bit random but a use case we need to find solution for. We have a set region, which is a state. However, there are several listings that provide services in that state, but are physically not in the state. Eg. insurance providers.

    We need these listings to show up in the general listings and it seems like location-less listings have to be in their own CPT correct? If thats true, can you see any other way to add these without changing the default state and country and changing everything about how our map displays?

    Or can we modify the way maps display to only show a set area, even though there are listings beyond their bounds?

    Many thanks,



    Post count: 29970

    CPTs that are location-less are not required to add a location, so I do not think that there would be any issue with leaving your multilocation settings for one state only.
    You could create a custom field for the location-less CPT, that collects an optional postal address for example …


    Expired Member
    Post count: 172

    Thanks Guust. Can i make the address field and map section not mandatory and just have any CPT be locationless, even if 99% of the listings have a location?


    Post count: 29970

    Yes, just set up a new CPT and then go to GD > General > Select CPT to disable physical location. Addresses can only be disable on a CPT per CPT basis.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That is not correct, locationless CPT have no address field and no map. It doesn’t make it not mandatory…

    Listings of locationless CPT are not showing in any of the maps widgets too.

    The only way to list things outside of your default region and make them appear on any of the maps, is to extend your default region.



    Post count: 29970

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted to do.
    You cannot have BOTH location-less AND located listings in the same CPT.


    Post count: 164

    So, I running into this same issue.

    My question, if I add a new CPT for a locationless service and someone does a search, will the locationless service show up mixed in with any “brick and morter” locations?

    For my example, I have a company with a HQ in CA, but they run flights out of Denver CO. So, when someone is looking for flights, I want them to show with all my CO transport options?



    Post count: 29970

    GD searches are on a CPT basis, so you cannot have locationless AND listings with a location in the same CPT search result.
    But they will both turn up in the normal WP result.

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