Listings without an address

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 171

    I have searched through all that I can and can see that you can create a CPT that does not have a physical address but I can’t find any work arounds to what I am trying to achieve.

    I am building a traditional directory using addresses however I want to add the ability to have listings which are basically POI – These do not have a physical address but they do have co ordinates. To be able to see these on the map enables users to get a better idea of what’s available within the area.

    Is there anyway to achieve this – would GD be able to cope with this if a developer could take this up or is the structure unlikely to be able to cope with this.

    In my simplistic terms I see it as a CPT with co-ordinates only. The title becomes the POI with other fields that may be required and the co ordinates allow a marker to point to the POI on the map.

    Your views would be appreciated


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    If you disable the address on a CPT everything is disabled, coordinates too.

    However there is no real need for an address on normal listings. Just drag the marker on the map and let it grab the coordinates and whatever address Google Maps returns.

    For example, I published listings in the middle of the sea by doing this, to list barrier reefs.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 171

    Thanks Paolo

    I had tried that, however a few of the POI were very close to real life addresses so it looked very confusing when you gave the name of a beach and the address showed a residential building.

    I have resorted to turning off “Disable move map pin from changing address fields” and “Disable set address on map from changing address fields” which states is not recommended. I presume this is just to avoid inaccuracies or is there some other implication that I should be aware of.

    Thanks for your input


    Post count: 29970

    After you have moved the marker to the POI, you can type anything you like in the address field.
    For example, drag your marker to the beach, and then type “Beach” in the address field. Do not click “Set on map” again.

    Or you can hide addresses from the detail pages, there is some info here:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 171

    It seems to be working well – I guess the turning off check boxes wont have any other effect other than avoiding inaccuracies

    Thanks for the input


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Thank you for letting us know, I’ll mark this as resolved. 🙂

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