error caused a lot of problems
at first I used GeoDirectory without plugins, then adding extensions caused more heartburn
1) input form needs a note about what format to use
Coordinates in degrees and decimal MINUTES – BREAKS it
Latitude: 19°7.0272′ N Longitude: 98°56.5056′ E
need to be Coordinates decimal DEGREES
Latitude: 19.1171200 Longitude: 98.9417600
when you google a location, chances are you get the minutes version
2) Initial default location was without Location Manager plugin activated, when activated Location Manager, > Multilocations > Manage Locations > Action/Edit
the layout is messed up and the Latitude field is gone, can’t edit it
and because it apparently uses different DB field it remains in MINUTES error message instead of the fixed DEGREES field entered in Default Location with the Location Manager plugin disabled
I’m going to deactivate all the GeoDirectory plugins and wipe the database and start over… but this was caused by using something as simple as minute in the Long/Lat