Location page to display all locations in DB

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  • #381355

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    Post count: 44

    Hi all,

    I am jumping on this project mid-way and trying to figure out things as I go along.

    We are using Geodirectory to maintain a DB of boutique hotels and Multilocations I assume is used to manage their locations.

    This is where you can see ALL hotels: http://stay-boutique.com/hotels/

    Client wants a page with all locations (country > region > city) listed. Kind of like this example (random site they showed us).

    I thought the automatically generated ‘Location’ page from Multilocations add-on would do the trick with [gd_location_switcher] shortcode. Result: http://stay-boutique.com/location/

    This seems to output the info we would want (the switcher) but I can’t figure out what’s going wrong with these things:

    – Location page seems to be using the GD Home Content Section and GD Home Bottom Section sidebars. How do we turn that off so we can use widgets specifically for the Location page? The home widgets used are specific to home obviously and I thought since they are labeled GD Home… they wouldn’t show anywhere else.

    – I wish to have the behavior that if you click on one of the links (e.g. ‘Australia’) it will filter all hotels in Australia. Clicking ‘Aspen’ will filter all hotels in Aspen. Etc. It seems to work if I modify the /hotels/ portion of the URL with the location info, e.g. http://stay-boutique.com/hotels/australia/ and http://stay-boutique.com/hotels/usa/ca/. But this does not utilize the pre-generated Location page URL structure.

    So how do I merge this with the links that are outputted from the [gd_location_switcher] shortcode so that clicking on anything on that page, shows results from that country/region/city?

    I guess what I’m asking is how can I make the links outputted from that shortcode connect up to link to /hotels/xxx/xxx/xxx. Instead now they link out to /location/xxx/xxx/xxx and don’t show a list of hotels in the desired place selected by user.

    Please let me know if I’m far off base, and thank you in advance.


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