My version of WordPress is 4.5.3. I just updated to Directory Starter/Supreme from Avada and I am having some issues.
First, my search page doesn’t look like the one in the demo. When I click on the Popular Category from the Home Page or do a search for something, the listings are on the left side but there isn’t a map on the right side. Are the pages supposed to populate upon upload of the theme or do I have to create them myself. If that is the case, how do I make it look like the demo?
2. I am not able to adjust SEO settings for individual locations and add a default image even though I have the Location Manager installed and activated.
3. I am setting up a directory for the state of Hawai’i. Is it better to setup each city as a location or only the major city on each island as a location and delete the other ones that I added?
4. I tried to make the subtitle Custom Field on the Home Page but it isn’t populating underneath the title over the search field.
5. Is it possible that settings from Avada carried over and are messing with the setup?
Please let me know when you can and I will add as much clarification as I can to get this rectified.