am working on a website that uses GD with multilocations installed , and i got somethings that i really need to know.
1- is there a way to make location switcher in a widget to have it in the sidebar.
2- in the location switcher menu , is there a way to have the countey as the default selected instead of city ?
3- in the location switcher menu , is there a way to change the color or anything to make it obvious that there a location selected instead of everywhere.
4- if i have a record with the same country name , it colide with it
for example if i have a record named egypt and it’s in egypt, it’s url will be localhost/places/egypt
and if i enter used the breadcrum to go to the country . it will send me to
localhost/places/egypt that will be the same record
…. is there a way to fix this
sorry that lots of questions but i really need help in this.