Hi Khan,
everything can be done, but you need to have some php and wordpress API knowledge.
You can start by looking at the structure of the template for the detail page:
There you will find that the content is returned by : a function named geodir_details_main_content, while the sidebar content is returned by : geodir_detail_sidebar.
At this point you can search for this functions in all files and you will find that both are in geodirectory_template_actions.php and both also reference to functions in geodirectory_hopoks_actions.php
Now by removing actions and re-adding them modified following your needs, you can customize the page as you wish.
If you do a search in this forum, you can find some examples of how to remove/reorder elements using those functions.
A couple of examples to modify the place detail sidebar are:
Move rating stars from sidebar to content area: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/details-page-how-to-move-rating-stars-from-sidebar-to-content-area/
Disable some detail info: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/disable-some-detail-info/
Map instead of flexslider : https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/map-instead-of-flexislider-on-detail-page/
Searching for “remove_action” will bring them all up. All of this customization will start with a “remove_action”.
Following these examples you should be able to do just about anything.