Loop item customization through child theme

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    Evgenii Ivchenkov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    I’m using GDF theme for WPGD 2.0062, and made a child theme to leave all core plugin & theme files intact and updatable.
    Right now I need to tamper with loop that outputs listings on a category and location pages. More specifically, I need to change some meta-data (for example output some custom fields data) in loop items, and add a filtering option that would output featured listings first but sort them randomly. Is there a way to do that without getting my code under the plugin’s hood? Right now I’m considering writing my own set of functions for child theme and replacing the_content() with my custom query, but if there is an easier way to do it through some WPGD features still unknown to me, I’d be happy.


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    Evgenii Ivchenkov
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

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