Map is not charged in event page

This topic contains 33 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, I have imported a csv file with aproximally 200 events.
    I can see events in the listing zone, but the map is charging always.
    Please see the following link:

    I hope your answer
    Thanks for your support


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    I think there is something wrong with one or more of the imported listings.
    work fine, so there must be a listing in the “all” category that has some incorrect data I suspect.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the map is loading for me, but you have no map markers so it looks empty.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Paolo when you have looked the map deleted all listing…

    I have upload the csv I add in this post “events sin ERROR 22 geocode Febrero 2016 Provincia de Girona”
    Only 5 listing are showed in the map. Efectively there are past events… But there are aproximally 10 events whith date after 20 de febrary and they are not showed…
    Also the title in a lot of listing are incorrect.

    There is also one event in the other csv “22 ERROR events geocode Febrero 2016 Provincia de Girona” that create an error and if I upload it the map will be not charged. Now I have not charged it but if you want you must do it.

    I hope your answer.


    Post count: 29970

    Your CSV file does not have the same columns in the same order as required.
    The best idea is to create an event and then export your own events file; the sample events file has errors in it. I attached the correct CSV for events.

    You also have wrong characters, like Pujada de la Merc�, 10
    I guess you pasted from somewhere else.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    after all thanks for your support.
    I have detected the problems:

    FIRST PROBLEM: In my csv file I introduced in the start time field differents times like: 11:02 , 12:02 , 07:02 and so. This is no correct because geodirectory only acepte time with 15 min of range.

    SECOND PROBLEM. In my csv file there are addresses with special caracteres. The addresses are in catalan lenguage, and the lists with an address with special caracters dont show TITLE.

    I have do a test, and I have introduce using front page a new list with this address:
    Pujada de la Mercè, 10 (I add picture)
    If I download this list in csv file I can see in the address filed the following (I add csv):
    Pujada de la Mercè, 10

    This is only a caracters lenguage problem…

    So my question is: If my event is located in adrresses with special caracters, how must to do in order upload a correct csv?

    Maybe I need lenguage in geodirectory?
    Or in WordPress?

    Please, let me know…

    Thanks for your support


    Post count: 29970

    Use the “special characters” menu from LibreOffice to enter your special characters like ëàêìí.
    Do not copy and paste from somewhere else, unless first pasting in notepad.


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Guust,
    maybe you don-t have undestood me, or maybe I don-t have understood you.

    In my open office I can write special characters (I add file with picture where some address are marked in red. So you can see that in my open office I can write with special characters).

    However, if I upload from front page one listing whith for example with the following address:
    Pujada de la Mercè, 10
    where there is one special character (è), and after I download listing from GeoDirectory => Import Export, I will have a csv where the address is writed just like following:
    Pujada de la Mercè, 10
    So I think that the problem is from GeoDirectory. I think that is geoDirectory that don-t recognizes special characteres.

    In conclusion I upload csv with special characters (I can write with my keyboard special characters and I can see special characters in my monitor / I add picture where you can see that I can write and see correctely special characters).

    But GeoDirectory don-t recognize them.

    If I am wrong, please explain where is the error.
    I dont speak very well english so, please, explain accurately that.

    Thanks very very much for your support


    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi Guust, hi @paolo
    I think GeoDirectory data base is with UTF-8 , and spanish, catalan, and other (just like me) write in ISO-8859-1

    Is it so?

    I need understand if I need change something in my web, or if GeoDirectory need change somethingh.

    I wait your answer.

    Thanks very much for your support.


    Post count: 29970

    I think you need to change the default language settings in OpenOffice (or your computer?).
    When I do exactly what you say, my export file is fine.
    Unless there is a server or GD setting that sets the language set.
    I’ll get Paolo to have a look after the weekend for you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    please provide admin credentials, the one shared in a previous reply are no longer working. Also we would need phpmyadmin in case we need to change the collation of your database.

    Let us know,



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’m not sure I understand this part:

    Only for your interest, if I upload csv file where there is in the TITLE FIELD quotation marks (“), the page will not charge the map. If I delete ” so the map will be charged.

    Can you please explain?



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I have detected 2 differents errors in my web:

    ERROR 1:
    1.1 If I import csv file for events with for example the event A with address in latin characters (like: Pujada de la Mercè, 10) and I go to the the map will be always charging.
    1.2 If I delete the event A and I go to the the map will be charged
    1.3 If import csv file where I have traslate address from “latin characters” to UTF8 characters (like: Pujada de la Mercè, 10) and I go to the the map will be charged and the event A will be showed.

    ERROR 2:
    2.1 If I import csv file for events with for example the event B with the following Title:
    Ens veiem al + Cub pel "Tapas Time"?
    and I go to the the map will be always charging.
    2.2 If I delete the event B and I go to the the map will be charged
    If I delete " in the event B so, the new title is:
    Ens veiem al + Cub pel Tapas Time?
    and I go to the the map will be charged and the event B will be showed.

    I add for the error 2 two csv files

    I hope you have understood me

    Please, let me know what happen

    Thanks for your support

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