Map is not charged in event page

This topic contains 33 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    Hi, @paolo
    thanks for that, now country, region and city pages runs well.

    I have seen that now in my main menú there is a new BOX (where I can select Country, region or city).

    But I have one problem:
    I need show country, region and city pages like:

    But don`t want the BOX in the MAIN MENÚ. I think it is not a good solution for my web because I dont work with /LOCATION pages (location page show all PLACES, EVENTS, and others CUSTOM POST TIPES in the same page and I dont like that).

    I have read the following page:
    and there is the following shortcode:
    But neither in APPARANCE => MENUS nor in ENFOLD => HADER I have seen the option for add or delete this short code.

    So, I `d like understand if I can have the COUNTRY, REGION and CITY PAGES activated (just like now) without show the BOX in the MAIN MENÚ.

    In conclusion I`d like understand:
    1. What have you done for to active COUNTRY, REGION and CITY PAGE? (I have not found options to clic in GeoDirectory DASHBOARD. Have you added some php code? what have you done for to active them?)
    2. How have you added this box in MAIN MENÚ? (so,in the future if I want add it I can).

    I am sorry if I molest you a lot of times, but I have lost 4 hours in understand that and I cant understand it…
    Thanks very much for your support


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I added the location switcher via GeoDirectory >> MultiLocation >> Show location switcher in menu

    You can’t have the Location Manager working correctly without adding the location switcher anywhere. The system will not be able to set sessions for locations.



    giuseppe cuttone
    Post count: 242

    I think I have understand 100% only the first part.
    I can show or delete location switcher in menu with to select or no select the option in GeoDirectory >> MultiLocation >> Show location switcher in menu.
    It is clear.

    But I dont have 100% clear why 2 days ago the following pages:
    showed the ERROR 404
    Maybe 2 days ago I dont have had selected the 3 following options in GeoDirectory >> MultiLocation?
    1. Add everywhere option in location switcher country drop-down.
    2. Add everywhere option in location switcher region drop-down.
    3. Add everywhere option in location switcher city drop-down.
    And yestarday you have selected them?
    Is it so?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Because you didn’t have the location switcher and it wasn’t able to set sessions.

    Now the problem will reappear soon, possibly with the next location that will be added to your database.

    The location switcher is mandatory if you want to use more than one location. If you don’t like it in the menu, you should put it in a sidebar.


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