Map not showing

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vikas 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #5670

    Post count: 82

    I decided to do a fresh re-install of all plugins on my staging site (using latest versions) and now Google maps do not show on the sidebar, homepage or in pages to add new Places & Events. Any idea what I might have done wrong? All plugins are activated. The maps worked fine before I re-installed.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1128

    There are only 2 reasons when map does not load.

    1. Your theme should not include google map api script too. If it is including then make sure to disable it on those GD pages.

    2. This is a new cause: Latest FF with firebug on. Please check that if u have Latest FF and firebug on then map will not appear, it will throw a JS error, so just stop firebug when viewing those pages.

    Please advise ?



    Post count: 82
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I see only events showing as CPT for that map and you only have 1 place but no events.

    If you go in GeoDirectory > Design > Map, do you have any CPT and categories checked?

    If yes, please untick them and the map will work again.

    @Vikas, another customer reported a similar problem and he’s positive he didn’t touch Design> map options. Can you please double check that it isn’ìt the plugin update to modify those options?



    Post count: 82

    Paolo, I’ve done as you suggested and map still does not work. The map is missing from the “New Place” or “New Event” pages as well. No settings should effect the display of a map on these pages, correct?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I still see no categories enabled for the map.

    Please forward me your wp admin credentials in a private reply and I will fix your settings.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Sorry, it seems also that there is aplugin conflict.

    TypeError: jQuery(…).dialog is not a function
    Line 1

    Try disabling : buddypress like to see if that’s preventing the maps from loading.



    Post count: 82

    Disabling Buddypress Like fixed it Paolo, thank you!


    Post count: 82

    … but now the Profile tab is missing (it begins with More Info) on the Places detail page and the photos & map are outside of the tabbed area. That was working before I updated.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I don’t see the map and the image out of the tabbed area. Just clear your browser cache and it should come back.

    To see why the profile tab is missing I should have a look at your back end.

    Can you please send me wp admin credentials in a private reply?



    Post count: 82
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’ve been looking into it for the past 15 minutes and I can’t really figure out what the problem is…

    Something is breaking the javascript that control the tabs…

    I need to ask VIkas to have a look for you.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    To look into it further i need ftp access, send it as private reply.


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