Maps not showing, Listing detail page slider neither

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  • #184748

    Frank Gross
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8

    Hello guys,
    GD used to work seamlessy till two days ago, when something must have broken although I have no idea what. My problem:

    I see no map whatsoever across the website front-end: not as shortocodes and niether as Home/listing map widgets within GD template structure. Maps, on the contrary, are in place both in the user back-end Add a Listing section as well as in each Place page in WP Dashboard > GD > Places and in the Default Location setting tab.

    Also, the Listing detail page show no phot slider (although pics are visible in the appropriate tab on the same page) and I just see a buffering ring at its place.

    I have the core plugin + Recaptcha, Custom Post Types, Payment Manager and Advanced Search add-ons activated on a KLEO theme over the latest (today’s) WP version.

    Before opening this thread I think I tried all the solutions already suggested on this forum, namely:
    -all my places are in some category
    -all categories have their specific icon
    -Map widgets are in place in the preferred GD template “sidebar”
    -I tryed already to deactivate all non-GD plugins
    -I reinstalled GD
    -Lat and Long should be set in the appropriiate, decimal format, i.e. 11.783096496203598
    -Default location is well set and appears on the Defaul location tab in GD>Set Default Location tab.

    A quick code inspections returns a noAPIkeys warning and two syntax errors related to missing links in the theme menu + a third error related to GD: cannot read property ‘GetCenter’ (see attachment). This latter, however, disappeared disabling an Ajax search module, although I do not really understand the why.

    The only substantial change I’ve made to my GD installation is that I cancelled one CPT which I had preciously created for test purposes.

    I really do not know what else to check to address this issue. If anybody in house or in the community can lend a hand it would be really appreciated.
    Thanks a lot


    Frank Gross
    Expired Member
    Post count: 8


    Luckily I found the solution:

    the problem was due to Visual Composer and K-elements Plugins (both come with Kleo Theme): for some reason they were not updated to the the latest version and this caused several display issues. Once completed a full update, all functions were fully restored.

    Posting this in case anybody else was in need, as I bumped into several recent support requests across various forum, all related to Visual composer not working with WP 5.1

    Thanks anyway for your time if you were already looking into this.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Thanks Frank for sharing the solution. 🙂


    Sheridan Ghiorzi
    Post count: 16

    Hi. I’m having the same issue, need help. Purchased Kleo theme and upgraded gd membership. Can’t get map to show, not sure how to do full update as mentioned. Thank you.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    please provide a link and admin credentials in a private reply and we will have a look.


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