Hi again 🙂
I have already received an answer from the developer of the plugin Mobile Contact Bar.
“After investigating your site, it turns out that the different versions of Font Awesome causes the issue.
The GeoDirectory plugin uses Font Awesome v4.6.3, while Mobile Contact Bar v2.0.0 uses Font Awesome v5. The two versions are incompatible, and ruins each other. It was not an issue with the previous version of my plugin (v1.4.1) because it used Font Awesome v4.7.0.
If I were you I would ask for the Font Awesome upgrade from the developer of the GeoDirectory plugin. Sooner or later they have to face this issue. Although the upgrade process is a huge work.
Meanwhile you might do the following steps:…” – here she suggested I should install the previous version of her plugin (mobile contact bar)
I thought it might be of use for you.
Have a great weekend,