membership options question

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 147

    HI Guys
    I’m using userswp, and wpgeodirectory- building an industry business directory.

    I need some guidance as to how we might implement the following, might be already in userswp or wpgeodirectory, or an geodirectory addon. happy to purchase anything from you guys.

    Ok here’s the goal:

    Goal is give the users a dashboard (I think Userswp does this, or I can get a plugin that makes a dashboard) which I think userswp, or wpgeodirectory

    We want these member/users to be able to favorite other listings, which might be a selected group that they can reach out to when they want quotes, etc.

    THe favorites show up in their dashboard. maybe as a widget, or other.

    So, you have a business and you use our directory,
    and you login because you want to email your favorites to get information or quotes. Ideally they can do it from the dashboard we create.

    I think wpgeodirectory will allow favoriting posts, and then the question becomes how to make those favorites emailable easily.

    So basically, we allow users to favorite listings, those listings appear in their dashboard, and then they can email those listings.

    Like reaching out to your favorite companies for quotes, resource availability, or what have you.

    What do you think?

    I’m thinking that each claimed listing has a customer/user created, and so if you can favorite posts/listings, there might be a way to email or add their user emails to a contact list and email them.

    As I write this I’m thinking a robust membership plugin might do it, since it might understand favoriting the member that owns the listing, and then allowing you to mail your list of favorite members.

    Would you recommend using a member plugin for just selling different levels, even if we are NOT restricting content?

    Would love your kind input. Thanks Guys!


    Post count: 29970

    You can email the business you favorited by going to the listing and using the contact details if the business has added their email address.
    Am I missing the point?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 147

    yes, exactly
    if you have them favorited, and maybe you can turn their emails into a mailing list. So we can broadcast if needed, to them all at once.

    so that sounds like some php to me.

    probably not a work around.
    we need to say, if favorite, then grab email and make a shortlist.


    Post count: 29970

    That suggestion has been discussed in the past, including the possible issues with spamming.
    I’ll check with the developers if anything was decided regarding possible development of such option.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Mark,

    This is something we do want to implement but want to find the right balance or risk of spam vs good functionality.

    I think integrating this with fav’s and lists might be the best way to go. At this point we are open to suggestions.



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