It might be worth changing your widgets.php file to allow a more specific naming of widgets to :
<div class="widget %2$s">
This then will give each widget a specific name and makes it much easier for developers to use css to remove unnecessary widgets when doing responsive design.
It’s nice to have things like sliders and image widgets for desktops and possibly tablets but for smartphones they add to download times and in many cases are just eye-candy that can be dropped.
An example if you use the above coding in place of just widget in
register_sidebars(1,array('id'=> 'geodir_home_top','name' => __('GD Home Top Section',GEODIRECTORY_TEXTDOMAIN),'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">','after_widget' => '</div>','before_title' => '<h3><span>','after_title' => '</span></h3>'));
Then the widget for GD>search would be named as:
class="widget geodir_advance_search_widget"
instead of just class=”widget”
It really comes into it’s own though when you start to use text widgets because each text widget then gets assigned its own id rather than just being named widget.
Just a thought