Migration help

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Post count: 171

    After months of painstakingly getting everything right on my new Geodirectory site I decdied yesterday was the day to make the switchover with my old Geotheme website.

    It seemed straight-forward enough; The files were already in place, the database in place. So it should’ve been simpler than migrating to a completely different server.
    …. after a bit of research I figured the steps I needed to take were:-
    1) On the database update the site references, along the lines of…

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, 'ORIGINAL_URL', 'NEW_URL');
    UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, 'ORIGINAL_URL', 'NEW_URL');
    UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE(guid, 'ORIGINAL_URL', 'NEW_URL');
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'ORIGINAL_URL', 'NEW_URL');

    2) On the server change the file hosting location from ‘old_site’ to ‘new_site’ so that all the new files were in place

    Yikes! That was a total *bleep* up!

    I could access the site, even view the blog but none of my places or other CPTS were accessible (everything was an “epic 404”), all the widgets had disappeared, GD Framework configuration gone, etc etc.

    I played around for a while trying to find a solution but with no joy. My last attempt to fix it was to point the development site to a different hosting location in case that somehow was the problem (daft, but at 2am in the morning it seemed plausible….)

    As it was getting late I switched back and with a great sigh of relief at least my old Geotheme site seems to be okay. However, when I’ve tried to recover my development site I can’t get my places back.

    After several hours wasted today trying to figure what’s gone wrong I’ve restored my development site to a slightly outdated version but at least it’s there.

    Obviously I didn’t do something right on my first migration attempt, adn don’t want to screw it up again, so would really appreciate some pointers on how to correctly migrate.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Mark,

    Did u follow the instructions here?

    Also there is a great plugin for doing search and replaces on the DB: https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-search-replace/




    Post count: 171
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    Post count: 171

    Good news. finally managed to get the switchover sorted.

    Bit more complicated than a GT to GD conversion as I had to build a separate GD site due to issues with early version of conversion tool.

    Simply pointing the live url to where the new site’s files were hosted seemed the right thing to do, however, this didn’t work as it caused a few things in the options to be wiped and efforts to fix this were futile.

    I managed to get round this by creating a copy of the new DB, pointing my development site at the copy by changing the config file to point to the copy DB. Then used “Better-Search-Replace” to change the URLs. Once this was done I could then go and change the live site to point at where the new site was hosted. Needed to then go in to DB and change the site URL reference (B-S-R didn’t do this.) Even after that there was a bit of tidy up required (used the B-S-R plugin again as it missed a few entries first time round.)

    So, just checking the site over but looks like after 6 months I’ve finally managed to switch-over from GT to GD!


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Woohoo! I just converted my last GT site over to GD yesterday too 🙂

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