Migration questions

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  adrian 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 2


    I am currently using GeoTheme. Thinking of switching to WPGeoDirectory. I am having hard time understanding how GeoDirectory works when it comes to creating your own layout. The main reason I would switch would be because of the flexibility on buying my own theme and create a unique layout without changing any code. I use Enfold for my websites. I would appreciate if you could answer my questions:
    1. Easy transition from Geotheme:
    What would be your suggestion? Will I have to input all the listings manually? How about currently claimed listings and user accounts, passwords etc?
    2. I would like to have a different home page and not use GeoDirectory’s one. What is the actual link to point to the one built in GeoDirectory? Let’s say I will have a button ” Enter Site” displayed first.
    3. My understanding is that the only page that cannot be in a form of widget is the “place detail” one. What are the options in this case? I doesn’t really integrate nicely into a full width layout as I would need more columns. Any documentation available to change this particular page and add more columns?
    4. Are you working on creating widgets for all other pages/elements?If so, any ETA? Will home page ever be in a form of a widget?
    5. How does the Enfold compatibility pack help me? Does this has anything to do with the actual layout or is strictly the way Geodirectory objects will look when using this theme?
    6. Shortcodes: my understanding is that Jeff is working on creating shortcodes. Could you please provide a few examples of shortcodes that will be available? I would also love to hear about the ETA on this.

    Thanks a lot!


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello Adrian,

    1- Actually the best way is to export from GT to CSV and then import to GD via CSV (in this page you will find some documentation). User and password are handled by wordpress, so you need to export the wp_users table from the database

    2- you can set a different page for the listings and using a different homepage, You can set the “Listings” page in the permalink setting (in Geodirectory)

    3-The detail page will blend into the theme you are using (assuming you are using a GD compatible theme, Enfold in this case). Any further modification in the layout will involve custom code.

    4- no ETA, Stiofan or Paolo could be more accurate about this question

    5-The compatibility pack will create a bridge between GD and Enfold, so they will blend and fit together nicely as a “native” feature.

    6- no ETA, Stiofan or Paolo could be more accurate about this question


    Free User
    Post count: 2


    Thank you for your explanation but I am still confused with regards to Question 2. What exactly is the URL to access the GD home page? I would like to access it from my own home page.

    Also, I see there is a widget for Search….
    1. Does the Premium package come with an Advanced Search widget?
    2. Does the Premium package actually come with more widgets?

    Thank you!

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