Missing confirmation screen

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  viguursthijs 10 years ago.

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    Post count: 273

    we’ve gotten several reactions from our endusers because they get confused when they submit information/messages/claim their listings, that we think might be ‘easily’ solved by offering them a popup, something like: ‘Thanks, your request has been send. Please check your e-mail’

    This is the situation: If a user enters a message (presses the send-button) everything works, but the user doesn’t get realtime feedback from this. So he/she presses the button again, and again and again.

    This leads to an unpleasant experience for the enduser, and confusion for us: what’s going here?

    We see this happening on claim listing (image 1)
    when sending a message: after clicking send they go back to the page, and they try again (see image 2)

    Thanks for your thoughts about this. We would be very happy if we can tell users that this will be solved somewhere in the (hopefully near;-) future…


    Post count: 29970

    There should be a confirmation message displayed in the sidebar of the listing.
    You can move that up, and translate.
    Example in image:


    Post count: 273

    Hey, that’s interesting, thanks!
    Does this work for both claim listings as well for messages?

    Don’t you agree that it would make more sense if this message would be in the same box as where the user was before?

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