Modern Theme location default

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #382384

    Lisa GORLICK
    Expired Member

    Hi I have three questions:

    (This is my first time creating a directory)

    My directory in the making is

    1. I am trying to create a directory for the United States. I choose Los Angeles as my default location and the theme will not allow me to add a PLACE outside of Los Angeles.

    2. Is it possible to change PLACE to another name e.g. LOCATION?

    3. Change you edit Ninja Page or do you need to create a new Ninja Page? On the Add A Listing Page I do not want people to have to register, hit send and then Add Listing. I would like to make a more streamlined page.

    Many Thanks In Advance!


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Llisa,

    Let me try to answer your questions accordingly.

    #1 Did you install the “Location Manager” plugin?

    #2 Refer to this

    #3 Please elaborate.

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