Modify Right Sidebar Listing Details Page

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    I would like to build a geodirectory site for a vehicle reseller. The large content area on the left column in Supreme Theme on the listing details page would be a perfect place to display 50-60 custom post type form fields for vehicle details.

    Any solution please?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jimmy,

    Are you looking for a developer to work this out for you? If you are, you can try this link . If not, could you tell us a little bit more about the issue and we’ll try our best to help you out.



    Jimmy Ryan
    Expired Member
    Post count: 202

    A vehicle reseller has expressed an interest in using GeoDirectory for a multi-user reseller site.

    She wants to offer subscribers a monthly fee to build listing pages for vehicles. The average dealership might have 200 used cars for sale, each vehicle would have its own vehicle listing detail page.

    Each vehicle listing detail page would have a deep three column area set aside to populate vehicle details. 15 fields displayed from top to bottom in three columns represents a potential total of 45 custom fields displaying various forms of vehicle data, age, make, model, color, accessories, car fax url, wheels, condition, price, etc. about 45 custom fields stacked in 15 field deep spanning three columns.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Jimmy,

    Most things can be done by default, the main thing that can’t is the subscribers being able to add x amount of cars, we usually work as a per post price but there are a few ways around it like giving them a 100% discount coupon after you receive a payment for a subscription.

    If you need help with anything it’s best to start with one point and then we can help work through things.


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