Modifying the Search Form

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 64


    I have 2 questions on making changes to the Search Form:

    1. What is the best way to modify the size of the search input boxes?

    I tried modifying the width’s percentage with CSS:

    .geodir_custom_posts .geodir_full_page .geodir-search input[type=”text”] {
    width: 33%;

    It looks good on desktop, but not on mobile.

    I also tried increasing the padding on the left and right, but same problem on mobile:

    .geodir_full_page .geodir-loc-bar-in {
    padding-left: 100px;
    padding-right: 100px;

    2. Is it possible to avoid the first box on the left that selects Places/Events, and instead have visitors search events/places through the second box?

    Ideally I would like just one search box like Google has, but maybe it’s not easy.
    If I could at least take off one box it would look better and be easier to use.

    Many thanks


    Expired Member
    Post count: 64


    Following my previous questions.

    I’m trying to change the looks of the predictive text box to make it simple (like Google).

    Where can I find the code to change the colours?

    I tried with the Firefox inspector, but I can’t find the CSS elements.

    I would like to:

    1. Make the backround grey (instead of it turning blue).

    2. The predictive text’s box is shorter than the search box. How can I make them have the same length, so they are nicely aligned?

    3. Finally, I would like to take off the small double arrows icon on the right.

    I have attached 3 screenshots to compare the ones from GDirectory, and the one from Google.

    Many thanks


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    1) you will have to also modify the css for each media query so that on mobile it is responsive to screen size:

    2) That is not possible. If you hide the select field, users will only be able to search the default CPT.

    3) This is called customization. Either you know how to modify the website css to adapt it to your idea, or you need to hire someone to modify the css for you. We don’t provide customizations as part of support.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 64


    I’ve been using another excellent directory software for quite a while and on their forum it’s normal to post requests like mine.

    Usually the owner of the software and often other members try to help, so I’m struggling with how your forum/support works.

    Also with the other software, if you required some real customisations the person who owns/writes the software would do them for you (paid).

    But here you have to look for other members (and pay them) and they are not professionals or even endorsed by you.

    Unfortunately the owner of the other software had some problems recently, and that’s why I’m testing GDirectory and I bought a 4 months membership plan.

    The requests I make are just simple things like changing a colour, or taking off an icon, or moving an element’s position on a list, I’m not asking for complex changes to the core functionality.

    I do like the software, and it’s great to see such an active team, but I think this aspect could be improved.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    we do help a lot, but one thing is asking for some help, one thing is asking to provide free work to modify the look of your website elements.

    It is true you are not asking for anything complicated, but you make a list of things you want to change and you expect us do it for you.

    Our support policy is probably different, compared to the other developer policy.

    If we had to provide free custom CSS to all of our members, this project would be out of business already.

    Thank you,


    Expired Member
    Post count: 64


    I think good business is not just about terms and conditions.

    It’s about being as nice as you can to your customers so they will be loyal paying members for many years, and they will also recommend you to others.

    I’m used to a forum based on free collaboration where people helped each other all the time, and some important parts of the software were actually created and improved by members doing this and posting code.

    I’m also used to a web host that helps me as much as they can with things that are also not in their t & c, and that’s why I’ve been with them for 6 years.

    I don’t think you would be out of business by helping new customers who are trying to change the looks of their site when they are just starting, they would stay with you longer.

    In my case most of the questions are about making the looks simpler, not adding any shiny elements.

    And there is no option of having professional customisations by you as an alternative.

    Your software so far seems very good, your price structure with a choice between buying addons or a fully inclusive membership is brilliant, but the way you do support and customisations I think is wrong.

    It would make more sense then if for the changes that you consider customisations you replied with a quote saying “our professional team can do this for this amount £…’

    I don’t think your project would be out of business, it would make more revenue.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    We don’t provide customization services directly, because we rather invest our time working for the whole community, not just for one member, we appreciate your feedback, at the moment we do not intend to change this.

    I’ve moved your request in the jobs forum.



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    Expired Member
    Post count: 64


    When we make a post on the forum it’s also for open collaboration with other members.
    Someone else might find useful information there for their own project, and they might also be able to contribute with their own suggestions.

    Can you please move it back to where I posted it.

    Also, I never received an answer to my first two questions on this thread, so hopefully someone can help me.

    When I have a job request then I can post it here.

    Thank you


    Expired Member
    Post count: 64
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