Hello GD Support,
I have several questions, which I can break out into several support questions if you prefer.
1. I want to build a sample home page that only uses the GD home page map and search at the top, but with other elements in the main content section, right sidebar and footer. Is it best to add widgets to the GD home page sections or set another (Avada) page as the home page and add the GD home page map widget to the top?
2. How can I customize the listings pages with additional text above the listings and images or sliders?
3. Can the listings pages be added to the menu?
4. When and how is the location page used? Can it also have other elements added to it?
5. When and where is the location description used?
6. What is location neighborhood and how and when is it used?
Those are enough questions to get me in trouble for now. 🙂 Thanks for your help.