Multisite imported image paths incorrect

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    Hi there

    I’m in the process of importing my CSV into a new site on a multisite installation.

    The CSV imports and the data is added but all the images are missing and returning 404s.

    On completing import I receive the notification:

    Please trasfer all images in '/wp_content/uploads /2016/11 ' folder.

    But I’ve done this before on another site where the correct location was more like:


    This is the way WordPress Multisite segregates images for individual blogs.

    I have copied my images to both these directories:

    1. /wp_content/uploads/2016/11
    2. /wp_content/uploads/sites/17/2016/11

    But neither of these locations work. And when I inspect the path to the images in the site they are:


    Which is the path for when you have uploaded them via the media library and seems completely wrong?

    I don’t know if the process has changed since I last did this and I need to configure the site differently.

    This thread seems to be describing a similar issue:


    Post count: 29970

    I suggest you add an image to a listing using the frontend or the backend.
    Then have a look at the file path of where that image was saved. Usually all sites on a network have their own files folder.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 70

    Through trial and error and as you suggested, uploading an image through the WordPress admin, I was able to find the correct directory:


    Maybe this WordPress installation uses ‘blogs.dir’ instead of ‘sites’ directory for the blogs because it’s an older installation?

    But in either case Geodirectory import tool is prompting the user with the incorrect directory to upload the images too.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi There,

    We have fixed problem that showing incorrect directory to upload the images on multisite. It will be reflected in next release.


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